Jonah J. Battock
My name is Jonah J. Battock. I am currently a Junior at Notre Dame Preparatory in Scottsdale, Arizona. I made the varsity tennis team as a freshman and sophomore and am looking forward to taking a leadership role this season, Spring 2024.
I currently volunteer with the Children’s Ministries at First Southern Baptist Church of Scottsdale, and I serve at St. Mary’s Food Bank in Phoenix packing boxes for the homeless.
I am very dedicated to tennis throughout the offseason to improve my game. During the last school year, I maintained a 3.0 GPA while doing my tennis training, practices and activities. That includes tournaments and match play.
When I am not playing tennis, I am studying, spending time with family, or playing with friends. I help around the house, and help my grandmother, who has long-COVID and is severely disabled. In fact, she lived with us for 6 months after a scary 90-day ICU stay due to COVID. I play tennis to make her proud of me.
Jonah J. Battock